Curso AutoCAD 2010 Creating Styles and Automating Scales

Learn how to streamline the creation of drawings in AutoCAD 2010

  • 19 videoaulas (01:00:00)
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Curso AutoCAD 2010 Creating Styles and Automating Scales

Vídeos de amostra gratuitos:
  • M2A1 - Working with Texts
    M2A1 - Working with Texts

SKU: ACAD10-ANNS-E Categoria:


Learn how to harness AutoCAD program resources to create scale automation and styles. This AutoCAD course teaches you how to create and practice the 2010 version state-of-the-art techniques, such as: Annotation Scale which lets you streamline the creation of a great deal of drawings, take advantage of their common elements, and define a customized style for your layout. Discover how to cut creation time and costs by way of these course drawings.


  • Introduce the AutoCAD scale automation resource
  • Show how to automate scale factors and how to define display settings for entities
  • Teach how to define settings for inserting dimensions, texts, and tables

A quem se destina

  • CAD designers
  • People interested in updating their knowledge on new resources available in AutoCAD
Conteúdo do Curso

This course introduces techniques to facilitate your design work, beginning with the first sketches up to layout conclusion.
You will learn about concepts related to customization tools for elements inserted in your design work, such as: texts, balloons, dimensions, and tables. This way your drawings will be much more standardized and organized.
After that, you will study about automating scale factors, so you can use these objects in several drawings, in order to view these elements in different scale factors quickly and easily.

Módulo 1

Concepts on automating scales and creating scales

In this first module, you will study some characteristics and ways to facilitate automating scales and styles in AutoCAD drawings.

Aulas deste módulo
1 What is scale automation?  - Advantages00:02:41
2 What objects can be displayed using automated scale?00:02:58
3 Facilitating your design work.  - Using dimension and text styles.00:03:16
4 Extra exercise.  - Applying automatic scales to objects.
Detalhes Técnicos


Tempo total de vídeo aulas


Nível deste curso


Equivalência em horas aulas


Configuração mínima


Sistema operacional


Conhecimentos necessários

Experience in basic computer skills in the Windows interface


Basic knowledge in AutoCAD. The Introducing 2D and 3D AutoCAD 2010 course is also recommended


Adquirindo o Curso (exceto Gratuitos), o Teste Online para Certificação RENDER está incluso. A aquisição separada deste Teste Online é destinado às pessoas que não passaram nas duas tentativas do mesmo. Pessoas que dominam os assuntos propostos deste curso e não desejam adquiri-lo, podem comprar o Teste Online para avaliarem seu conhecimento. Obtendo 70% ou mais de acertos, o Download do Certificado de Aprovação ficará disponível na área do aluno. Mais detalhes...




  • R2 Resultados (R2 Resultados)


  • Rosenilda Rodrigues de Souza

Criação e Desenvolvimento

  • Maurice Strauss
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